In our daily life, various leather products can be seen everywhere, from leather coats, leather bags, leather pants, leather shoes, watch straps, handicrafts, etc. to all aspects of our lives, from cars, ships, airplanes, etc. You can see some exquisite patterns and texts on these leather products. Do you know how these patterns and texts appear on leather products?
Many people think that these are printed by traditional crafts. It is true that traditional technology can print exquisite pictures and texts on leather, but you may not know that there is a device that can do it, and do it better, that is, Co2 laser marking machine.
Using a Co2 laser marking machine to process leather will not cause any damage to the leather. The engraving speed is fast and more accurate. No template is required, and any pattern and text can be changed at will. Laser processing is a thermal processing, which uses a high-energy laser beam to instantly burn and engrave on the leather surface. It is less affected by heat, so even high-quality leather will not be damaged. In addition to marking pictures and texts, you can also mark languages, symbols, QR codes, and barcodes of various countries.
Any pattern engraved by the CO2 laser marking machine is long-lasting, and the marked pattern is exquisite and beautiful. Moreover, the CO2 laser marking machine can also help companies save costs. During the processing process, the Co2 laser marking machine will not have any consumables, and does not require secondary processing, which can save a lot of labor costs and unnecessary consumables costs. At the same time, the equipment also has the performance of 24-hour continuous operation, which can meet the needs of large enterprises.